
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Oh, to be a tween again!

Kelsie is taking this whole tween, almost teen, thing very seriously. She is a champion texter (I'm sure that word is going to be added to the old Webster soon), an expert at IM, can stay up all hours of the night, she is attached at the hip with Angie her best friend, has lots of crazy giggle moments, thinks boys are gross (that's code for hot, shhh don't tell her Dad), and can go shopping 24/7. I think I'm in big trouble, when she is actually a teen. This picture was taken at the sleep over that happened this weekend, they locked themselves in the bathroom for hours doing crazy makeovers. They also assured me that they would be in bed at 12:30, I think it was more like 3, but who's keeping track. I'm so grateful she's found some good friends that have fun together. I want her to make good choices, and have fun during these crazy teenage years.

1 comment:

Lott said...


I like the tie. If being a tween involves being attached at the hip with someone and giggling....Hunter has reverted to tweenhood. The difference being he openly admits to checkin' out the chicks!