
Friday, April 25, 2008

Our Crazy Life!!

It's been awhile since I last posted, things are going a mile a minute at our house.

Things are progressing with the new house. The foundations were started. The kids love to go see the new house. Austin keeps asking me if he is standing in his room, he doesn't quite understand that we are working on the basement and his room is upstairs. Of course the dirt piles are the kids favorite.


the mom~ said...

Glad you're back, I was beginning to wonder if ALL Utah school were on a twom month long spring break, LOL!!! Glad to see the house os moving right question. Will it have a pool?!?!?

the mom~ said...

Sorry about the typos, that's TWO month long spring break and schoolS.

Jason & Jennifer Lott said...

Yup, it will have a pool!! We are planning on building it next year.

Heather said...

Yay, you are back. I was checking back often....I was just about to e-mail you to see if you'd forgotten about your blog readers;)
It looks like you are making progress with your new home. How far is it from where you live now?