
Monday, January 28, 2008

Our Wonderful Prophet

When I heard the news of our beloved prophets passing, I was a filled with a sense of love and respect. He was such a wonderful man and was such an example to everyone. I will not forget him and impact he has had on my life and for our church. The growth the church has experienced with him as our prophet is so inspiring. Although I was sad to hear of his passing, I also rejoiced. He is with his wonderful wife. I remember his first conference talk after her passing and how much he loved and missed her. I'm so grateful for this wonderful church and the principles that it teaches us. Family is truly forever, and I can't imagine how I would have gotten through this month without that knowledge.

1 comment:

Cami said...

Hi Jenn! (This is Cami.) Lara told me about your blog. Hope you don't mind me checking it occasionally. It looks like you and your family are doing well. The kiddos are getting so big. I can't believe how time flies!

I was so sad to hear about President Hinckley's passing, but also so happy to know that death is not the end. It's a whole different world when you have that knowledge. I am sure there was a great reunion in heaven last night. Not only with his sweet wife, but also with our Savior (and maybe even past Prophets).

Kate, in her bedtime prayer last night, blessed President Hinckley to be happy, and also blessed his family to not be sad that he "got dead."