
Monday, February 18, 2008

The Pulse

This is an awesome dance convention!! You can learn more about it here The girls worked so hard for two days. They have lots of sore muscles and are very tired, but it was worth it. They got to learn from five of the most famous choreographers in the dance world. They learned from Dave Scott (he gave out posters from his latest project Step Up 2), Chris Judd (he does a lot of music videos), Brian Friedman and Mia Micheals (from the show So You Think You Can Dance, which the girls love) and Rhapsody (who also does a lot of music videos). I really enjoyed watching these classes and how the choreographers interacted with the girls. Mia had a wonderful heart to heart talk with the dancers talking about learning who you were and what kind of dancer you are, and how as a dancer you need to not only learn the choreography but The girls favorite teachers were Dave Scott and Rhapsody.

This is Rhapsody, she was an awesome teacher!

This is the girls from Jazz 'N Place Studio with Dave Scott, Chris Judd, Mia Michaels and Brian Friedman

These are girls from the studio who were in the Intermediate Age Group (11-15, Rachel was included in this group)

1 comment:

Lott said...

I'm sure the girls had a blast! Do they offer workshops for older, out of shape, wannabe dancers? Just wondering!