
Sunday, February 3, 2008

Snow, Snow and more Snow!

We had such great weather yesterday we didn't expect to wake up this morning to a huge snow storm. We got dumped on!!! It has finally stopped for now, but we have had nearly 15 inches of snow from the last few days. Today we had 10 inches. The small kids had fevers this morning so we didn't go to the first part of church, Jason went out and removed the snow from our drive way and the sidewalks and part of the street (to allow for parking for the Superbowl party later). Me and big girls went to Sacrament meeting we got there in time to hear them cancel the meeting. The other wards in our building were cancelled and didn't have to go at all. They asked everyone to dig themselves out and then help the neighbors. Jason had already done so much that we didn't have much left to do.


Lott said...

I can't believe how much snow you got! Did they cancel school today? Good thing Jason bought that snow blower.

Also...the Hannah Montana pics are so fun! I love the 3-D glasses pictures, hopefully it's going in a scrapbook.

Jason & Jennifer Lott said...

Nope school wasn't cancelled, the kids were bummed. But now they don't have to make it up later.