
Friday, May 30, 2008

Memorial Day

We didn't think we would be able to decorate graves on Memorial Day, unless we were willing to do it in the rain. But luckily we decided to wait it out and go in the afternoon instead. It worked out great, we had about a two hour window of decent weather. Going to the cemetary is something that I have done since I can remember. I loved hearing the stories of all of my ancestors that my grandma told. Now my mother is telling those stories to my kids, it is a great family tradition.

Kelsie, Rachel and Maddie (my cousins daughter) thought they were to old to help, but they couldn't say no to grandma.

Katelyn at my cousin Geri's grave, she loved the Mickey Mouse on the headstone.

Rachel & Brinlee saying they were bored.

Katelyn always the big helper.

Austin playing with the bee balloon on my cousin Cassie's grave.

Sara, Brinlee and Kyle hanging out.

This is my favorite picture of the day, my nephew Blake was so cute!!

The girls (Lexi, Kennadi & Katelyn) hanging out.

Kyle loves his Aunt Jamie.


the mom~ said...

Heather, the kids and I like to do this too but this year I was out of town and the weather was foul anyway. I'm glad you guys do it too, how special.

Melissa and Doug said...

Sounds like you guys had fun. I loved the picture of Blake on the grave.